At the FDA, the current rules for informed consent, patient privacy, and donation of fetal tissue for research could be changed to improve accuracy and safeguards.
Dr. David Prentice of the Charlotte Lozier Institute tells AFN the definition of “informed consent” is a loose one for a woman who is asked by an abortion clinic to donate the aborted fetus for research.
“And that baby's organs and tissues can be trafficked,” he warns, “sold without any sort of notice to the woman.”
The federal government to its credit wants to change that, and Charlotte Lozier agrees.
Another change badly needed, Prentice says, is to fix the clinic consent forms that claim aborted fetal tissue has been used to treat diseases such as cancer, AIDS, Parkinson’s, and diabetes.
“All of which is simply false,” Prentice insists, which means women are being terribly deceived by a clinic that already made money from the abortion procedure.
Research using aborted baby body parts has not cured or developed a treatment for any disease but the ethical practice of using adult stem cells has helped millions worldwide.