With funding from taxpayers, governor and abortion group went after their enemies

With funding from taxpayers, governor and abortion group went after their enemies

Gov. Maura Healey

With funding from taxpayers, governor and abortion group went after their enemies

A pro-life Catholic is criticizing Massachusetts Gov. Maura Healy for declaring war on baby-saving pro-life pregnancy centers in the state – and for using tax dollars and an abortion group to do it.

Gov. Healey, herself a self-described Catholic, launched a public campaign over the summer to discourage women from seeking help at 30 crisis pregnancy centers across the state.

With $1 million in taxpayer funding, the Massachusetts Department of Public Health plastered anti-pregnancy center messages on everything from social media to public buses, according to an Associated Press story. 

C.J. Doyle, of Catholic Action League of Massachusetts, says Healey is a “longtime fanatic” for abortion going back many years.

“This is really the public demonization of the pro-life movement,” he says, “by an elected official.”

After the State of Massachusetts attacked them, the pregnancy centers are fighting back in court over violation of their free speech rights. Your Options Medical, which operates three pregnancy clinics, is suing Healey and the state’s public health commissioner in federal court.

The lawsuit also names an abortion group, Reproductive Equity Now Foundation, which partnered with the state government to create the ad campaign against its pro-life foe.   

Your Options Medical is being represented by the American Center for Law and Justice with Massachusetts Liberty Legal Center serving as co-counsel. 

Democrats targeting pro-life pregnancy centers in The Bay State goes back several years. Back in 2022, U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren went on the warpath after learning the centers outnumber abortion clinics three to one in her state. She sponsored legislation, “Stop Anti-Abortion Disinformation Act,” which directed the Federal Trade Commission to write rules that prohibit the centers from deceiving women who are seeking an abortion.

The accusation that the pro-life centers prey on vulnerable women is a frequent one cited by abortion supporters. However, the website for Your Options Medical, the group suing the state, has a clear pro-life message about making an “informed choice” while promising no pressure or financial cost. 

Your Options Medical also offers post-abortion counseling, which is done by women who have also undergone abortions, a service that is not listed on the website for Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts. 

According to Doyle, what disappoints him most is for a Catholic governor to be one of the “most militant” abortion supporters in the country.