Alexis Sneller of the Pennsylvania Family Institute says according to "a very shocking" press release from Governor Josh Shapiro (D) this week, he does not plan to fulfill his responsibility of defending the law.

"There's a court case brought on by a group of abortion clinics in Pennsylvania who have asked the court to find a right to abortion in our state constitution and have also asked for the courts to force taxpayer funds of elective abortion, which is currently against the law," Sneller explains.
Earlier this year, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court sent the case back to a lower court, where it is still being litigated. Now, the Shapiro administration is turning away from the law.
"Not only is this a betrayal of the taxpayers, but also, Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry are some of Gov. Shapiro's top supporters," notes Sneller. "There is clearly a conflict of interest here, and Pennsylvanians are not the ones who are coming out on top."
Knowing that unfettered abortion "is something the majority of Pennsylvanians are opposed to," she is asking people make their voices heard on the issue.
"I hope this is a wake-up call to people who might be on the fence, who maybe think the Shapiro administration is moderate, or who think that it's not important to get involved and to realize that a lot of things are at stake, including the sanctity of life," Sneller says. "I think that that should encourage everyone."
Gov. Shapiro is among the people rumored to be a possibility for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination, should members opt to go with someone other than President Joe Biden.