Poll: Voters see sense in safeguards

Poll: Voters see sense in safeguards

Poll: Voters see sense in safeguards

A pro-lifer in Michigan says though the state has voted in favor of abortion, that doesn't necessarily mean the public is as pro-abortion as their Democratic leaders think.

In November 2022, voters in the state approved Proposal 3, the "Right to Reproductive Freedom Initiative," by a sizeable margin. It amended the state constitution to guarantee a right to abortion for any reason through all nine months of pregnancy.

But Genevieve Marnon of Right to Life of Michigan maintains that was and is not the full intent of voters.

Marnon, Genevieve (RLM) Marnon

"Right to Life of Michigan did a polling on some pro-life laws that most Michigan voters want retained," she tells AFN. "Despite Prop. 3's sale of it being just to restore Roe, that provision goes a whole lot further and well beyond what voters want."

According to the Marketing Resource Group's recent polling results, 68% of voters think minor girls seeking or considering abortion should receive parental consent before terminating a pregnancy. 66% support a 24-hour waiting period and that women to be fully informed of the dangers before they are cleared to kill their child, and 61% do not think taxpayers should pay for abortions.

With that in mind, Marnon thinks Michigan residents need to send their elected representatives a message that "parental rights are not on the chopping block, that parental consent for abortion needs to remain as part of Michigan's law, and that they don't want to be funding other people's abortions."

"24 hours to absorb information about a life-altering decision like abortion is something that the majority of Michiganders support," the pro-lifer adds.

Meanwhile, Democrats in the state legislature and the rabidly pro-abortion Governor Gretchen Whitmire (D) erroneously think Prop. 3 allows them to remove those voter-favored restrictions.