The Pro-Life Action League's annual "Peace in the Womb" Caroling Day is an opportunity for pro-lifers across the nation to go to nearby abortion clinics, usually with an empty cradle in tow, and sing Christmas carols.
"The abortion clinics of the United States, where children are being slaughtered at Christmastime, remind us of King Herod," says spokesman Eric Scheidler. "It reminds us of the killing of children in the Bible. It reminds us of Moloch in the Old Testament, the Canaanites sacrificing their children."
In his view, today's abortuaries share those dark similarities and display their need for the light.

"We bring the joy and hope of Christmas to those locations, which are just bathed in the despair and darkness of abortion, and we present the hope of the Christ child," Scheidler relays. "The Christmas story is the story of a child saving the world -- the birth of a baby bringing the advent of an entirely new way of life not just for one family, but for all families."
The caroling project has been part of the Pro-Life Action League's regular Christmas observance for over 20 years now. So far this year, events are planned at 84 locations across the country, mostly on Saturday, December 16, and the activist organization is encouraging others to join the chorus.