Artist wants 'Life' sculpture to reflect beauty of mother and child

Artist wants 'Life' sculpture to reflect beauty of mother and child

Artist wants 'Life' sculpture to reflect beauty of mother and child

The artist behind the pro-life sculpture National Life Monument hopes the work of art defends babies in the womb and gives the other side a reason to rethink their beliefs.

The monument, sculpted by renowned Canadian artist Timothy Schmalz, is on display at Theological College in Washington, D.C. It depicts a pregnant kneeling woman with hands circling the womb and a baby that has yet to be born.

In an interview with AFN, Schmalz says he wanted to depict art that is not the graphic photos of aborted babies pro-life activists often display at protests.

“It's a really unique representation of a mother and child,” he explains. “And one of my hopes was that it would be kind of used as a positive alternative in the pro-life movement for people that want to express their concern for all human life.”

Schmalz also hopes the other side, abortion supporters, can see the beauty of a mother and her child.

“And if they think the sculpture's beautiful,” he reasons, “they're obviously going to think the subject matter is beautiful.”

The artist used mirrored steel for the womb and unborn child, which means you can see your own reflection when looking at the child.

Texas legislators are considering bringing a copy of the sculpture to State Capitol grounds.