Left is 'apoplectic,' and pro-lifers are 'thrilled'

Left is 'apoplectic,' and pro-lifers are 'thrilled'

Left is 'apoplectic,' and pro-lifers are 'thrilled'

Even though Florida's new heartbeat bill includes their requested exceptions, Democrats are fuming over passage of the latest bill to save the lives of the preborn.

Both houses of the Florida Legislature have passed SB 300, a measure that will prohibit the abortion of any baby whose heartbeat can be detected – usually around six weeks into the pregnancy – with exceptions for the rare cases of rape, incest, and if the mother's life is in danger.

Lynda Bell of Florida Right to Life says the current law brings abortions to a halt at 15 weeks.

Bell, Lynda (FRTL) Bell

"I was there speaking on behalf of the 15 week bill a year ago, [and] they were saying, 'Give us exceptions! Give us exceptions,'" she recalls. "Now you have the six weeks bill with all the exceptions, and they still opposed it. And they are spouting so many lies it's just mindboggling."

The bill even provides about $25 million to take care of the necessities for a mother in crisis who carries her baby to term.

"This is exactly what a bill should do, and they should be rejoicing with us," Bell says of abortion proponents. "They're concerned about the almighty dollar and abortion; abortion's become almost like a religion to the Left that they are quite apoplectic."

In fact, LifeNews.com points out that Democrats tried to add a religious exemption, "as if there are any legitimate religions that have killing babies as a ritual," but Republicans defeated it.

"We are quite thrilled," the pro-lifer adds. "I believe that God is smiling right now on the state of Florida, and we are very happy."

Governor Ron DeSantis (R) is expected to sign the measure into law.