This perceived 'protection' is what matters to Dems

This perceived 'protection' is what matters to Dems

This perceived 'protection' is what matters to Dems

Any restrictions to a woman's "fundamental right" to abort her unborn baby are in danger as Democrats in Washington continue to push for unfettered freedom in terminating preborn children.

The so-called "Women's Health Protection Act" has been submitted in several Congresses, and most recently in the current session. Though last year's Supreme Court decision overturning Roe vs. Wade left it up to the states to determine their own abortion regulations, this measure would open the door for unlimited abortion nationwide for any reason up to birth, negate state laws, and prevent states from passing pro-life laws in the future.

Jennifer Popik of the National Right to Life Committee expects Democrats to continue ignoring the babies' established right to life and support the measure.

"It used to be they would never bring this bill out for a vote; they didn't want it going into election season," she notes. "But now you have almost totally uniform support for this in the Democrat Party. Joe Manchin's (D-WV) about the only one who doesn't vote for it or support it, and even Senators [Susan] Collins (R-ME) and [Lisa] Murkowski (R-AK), who tend to favor abortion rights in some way -- even they have voted against it."

Democrats in the Senate are in a hurry to advance it.

Popik, Jennifer (NRLC) Popik

"Senator [Chuck] Schumer (D-NY) has taken the additional step of putting it directly onto the calendar," Popik reports. "That means there won't be hearing on it. They could hold hearings if they wanted, but they don't need to. It's been placed directly on the calendar, which means that it could be brought up for vote at any time of Sen. Schumer's choosing. When he thinks he's got good attendance and everybody's there, or whenever they feel the moment's right, they could bring this up for a vote."

Currently, 14 states protect unborn babies by strictly limiting or banning abortions, and more are fighting in court to do the same. But if this bill is approved and signed into law, those states would be forced to allow abortions killing babies up to birth.

Meanwhile, a Marist College poll in January found 69% of Americans want abortions banned or limited. Additionally, 60% oppose using tax dollars to pay for abortions. LifeNews recently highlighted 25 polls that show public support for pro-life laws.

Regardless of what happens in the Senate, the bill is not likely to even come up for consideration on the House floor.