Congresswoman Lauren Boebert (R-CO) recently introduced H.R. 128, the Defund Planned Parenthood Act of 2023, in the U.S. House. In short, it aims to block use of federal tax dollars to the abortion conglomerate and redirect those $235 million to community health centers across the country that provide actual healthcare for women.
Andy Mangione of AMAC Action, the associate affiliate of the Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC), says supporting this bill makes sense.

"AMAC has always been an organization that celebrates life from conception through natural death, and this bill dovetails with our support for life," he asserts. "We have been on the side of life with regard to supporting legislation that promotes life for years."
He explains that the AMAC members decide what issues the organization will pursue, and the defund Planned Parenthood measure is one of them.
"It recognizes abortion for what it is and prohibits the subsidization of abortion by the American taxpayer," Mangione details. "We've also supported legislation that would spare the life of a baby who survives an abortion. It's a shame that we have to have legislation like that in America in the 21st century, but this is where we are."
Students for Life of America, the National Right to Life Committee, Heritage Action, and Concerned Women for America join 29 members of Congress in supporting Congresswoman Boebert's measure.
Still, because of the anti-life administration currently in power in Washington, AMAC Action encourages citizens to contact members in both houses of Congress to press support of pro-life bills.