Jorge Serrano of the Comite Nacional ProVida has notified a U.S.-based international pro-life organization that the Mexico City government has sealed its pregnancy help center and seized two ultrasound vans that played a big part in helping convince most abortion-minded women who visited them to carry their babies to term.
Human Life International (HLI) spokesman Mario Rojas reports that the city has issued a fine and is requiring that the pregnancy help center register as a health center, which means doctors must be hired for each facility.

"They don't want these safe services to be carried out," Rojas submits. "Our dear friend, Jorge Serrano, who founded pregnancy centers in Mexico back in 1989, has literally stated that we will not be shut down."
Serrano is prepared to fight the government in the courts. He knows the lives of the babies and mothers are at stake.
"There is definitely an interest by the Mexico City government through this health protection agency to stop all the pro-life services in Mexico City, and maybe they would like to do the same thing in the rest of Mexico," Rojas warns.
The anti-life forces have tried to accomplish that by using the courts to shut the operation down in the past, and Serrano even was put in jail for a few weeks in an attempt to convince him to stop saving preborn lives.
Rojas is calling for international prayer for the operation to continue to provide its services that have saved more than 210,000 babies so far.