Thanks to the state's lawmakers, Minnesota will no longer regulate abortion at all, meaning it is legal to kill preborn children at any point in the pregnancy. Additionally, minors can obtain abortions without their parents' knowledge or consent, and sterilization and surrogacy are also now allowed. reports that senators approved the bill, H.F. 1, by just a one-vote margin, 34-33, and Governor Tim Walz (D) is expected to sign the sweeping measure into law.
Brian Gibson of Minnesota-based Pro-Life Action Ministries (PLAM) says any lawmaker who would vote for killing a nine-month-old baby is "completely heartless."

"It's devoid of ethics and morals and truth to go to that extreme," he adds. "That unborn child is a human being, which is a scientific fact. Even though it is also a religious and philosophical statement, it is a scientific fact that the unborn are human."
So even though lawmakers are painting it as a human right, he says abortion actually denies the humanity of children in the womb.
"You cannot have a right that exists that requires that human beings are oppressed or killed, and that's all this is about, is oppressing and killing innocent, defenseless human beings, the unborn," Gibson submits.
AFN also reached out to Michele Bachmann, a former U.S. congresswoman representing Minnesota's 6th District who is now dean of the Robertson School of Government at Regent University. Bachmann, who also served six years in the Minnesota Senate, says the bill says there is zero value on human life.

"In no other area of life do we do this where we say that someone else's life is at the will of someone else's hands," she observes. "It's hard to even get your mind to comprehend that people could be this grizzly. In my mind, this has a Lucifarian origin to it."
She predicts devastating effects from the new law. "They're ramming through this legislation that will bring about death to our economy, death to human life, and death to the advancement of civilization in Minnesota," says Bachmann. "This really is destroying our civilization at its very heart in Minnesota."
Many amendments that would have made H.F. 1 less extreme were voted down or thwarted, included ones to protect unborn children in the third trimester (with exceptions), to protect against partial-birth abortion, to provide the option of anesthesia when unborn children can feel pain, and to protect women's health by requiring that third-trimester abortions take place in a hospital.
Additional abortion-expanding bills have also been introduced. H.F. 91/S.F. 70, for example, would repeal numerous abortion-related laws, including a law protecting newborns who survive abortion.
Now more than ever, Gibson says pro-life warriors need to speak out and help the entire culture understand the humanity of the preborn child.
Comments from Michelle Bachmann added after story was originally posted.