Eric Scheidler of the Pro-Life Action League tells AFN this season brings the 20th anniversary of the annual "Peace in the Womb" Christmas Caroling Day, when pro-lifers gather at abortion clinics -- even at numerous closed ones -- set up a creche, sing Christmas carols, and pray for an end to abortion.
He says it highlights the coming hope of the Christ Child and brings joy "to one of the darkest places there is."
"That's really the story of Christmas, how hope dawns anew with the birth of a child," Scheidler notes. "That happens in a profoundly miraculous way in the birth of the Christ Child, but it also happens every single time a child is born. That's a sign of hope for the future, and that's the message that we bring to abortion facilities during our Peace in the Womb Christmas Caroling project."
Each year, more and more groups sign up to participate, and there is still time to do so.

"If you come to the Pro-Life Action League for help on this project, we will provide you with an eight-page caroling booklet. We've picked out the perfect carols that focus on the Christ Child, like 'Silent Night,' 'What Child is This,' 'Away in a Manger,' and others," the pro-lifer details. "We have promotional materials -- flyers you can print out, sample emails, and bulletin announcements."
In states that no longer have operational abortion clinics, carolers are encouraged to sing at the closed facilities and praise God that children are no longer being terminated there.
Most groups hold their caroling day on December 17, but Scheidler says participants can gather on any day that works for them.