Some Democrats in the New Jersey Legislature want open season on unborn babies, which is what would happen if certain guarantees get added to the state constitution. But Marie Tasy of New Jersey Right to Life does not think it is a workable idea just now.
"New Jersey has some of the most permissive laws in the nation," she begins. "There's absolutely no reason for this. This is clearly to shore up their base in time for the next legislative election. They're hoping that it will work in their favor, but, of course, we think it very well may backfire on them."

While some Democrats want to submit an amendment soon, Tasy says there is division in the ranks. They also face obstacles from groups they had hoped would fund the referendum, including Planned Parenthood of New Jersey, who thought the planned constitutional amendment did not go far enough in preserving so-called reproductive rights.
"We want to wait to see if a bill is introduced because there is some discussion that some Democrats, and even some abortion groups, are not on board with this effort," the pro-lifer details. "They are concerned, and they stated that it will energize the pro-life vote."
Liberals want to enshrine the practice of terminating preborn babies as a right in the constitution, but Tasy says too many people in New Jersey strongly support limits or a ban on abortion. Also, the referendum on the November 2023 ballot was expected to boost turnout for Democrats in next year's legislative elections, but a new map shows Republicans have a path to win majorities in the Senate and Assembly.
If the legislature does not approve the measure this year, then it would need a super majority next year to get the referendum on the ballot.