Jill Filipovic is saying that Catholic hospitals should not be allowed to operate or receive tax dollars through Medicaid or low-income patients if they refuse to do abortions.
"The religious affiliation of a hospital should not dictate healthcare. If Catholic hospitals refuse to offer a basic standard of reproductive care, they should not be in business — and certainly shouldn't be getting government resources or tax breaks," Filipovic wrote on Twitter, linking to a Washington Post article criticizing Catholic hospitals that are expanding healthcare in rural and low-income areas where other healthcare providers are shutting down.

"The generalization that that side makes is that these will be people of color and it's not fair to them because their children aren't being murdered," explains Hugh Brown of the American Life League (ALL). "So what you're dealing with is not just ignorance, but blatant racism on the part of the woke, demonic, abortion zealot, child-killing organizations."
LifeNews.com points out that according to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, Catholic hospitals do not provide elective abortions because they are "immoral." The Catholic Church teaches that every human being from conception to natural death is valuable because he or she is created in the image of God, and killing an innocent human being is a grave moral evil.
Brown says it comes down to doctrine.
"At the moment of a person's creation, it's a person," he asserts. "Planned Parenthood is opposed to that, because what's in Catholic hospitals, what you're going to see is a resilience and a reliance on common sense and actual care, not murder."
Catholic hospitals currently control 1 in 7 hospital beds, and when a pregnant woman comes to them, they understand that they are treating at least two patients, not just one.