AFN reported last week that pro-life activists obtained medical waste boxes outside a Washington, D.C. abortion clinic. Inside the boxes they activists found 115 mostly-destroyed first-semester fetuses but also found five fully-developed babies who were allegedly killed in late stages of gestation.
The images of those babies were posted online and have created a firestorm among angry pro-lifers who are determined to hold the Washington Surgi-Clinic accountable.
Dr. Ingrid Skop of the Charlotte Lozier Institute, who watched video of the fetuses, tells AFN some of the larger fetuses were likely delivered by an induction abortion, which is an ominous scenario.

“If the abortionist did not inject the baby's heart with a poison to kill him in advance of the induction,” Skop, a veteran OB/GYN, advises, “it is very likely that he was born alive and allowed to die by neglect.”
She also tells AFN some of the smaller babies were aborted by dismembering them in the womb, since one of the photos shows body parts.
“It's important to know,” she advises, “that these babies do have the ability to feel excruciating pain when they are torn apart by abortion in this way.”
Dr. Robin Pierucci, a second Lozier expert whose expertise is neonatal care, viewed the body of an aborted 30-week girl.
“She was totally intact except for the head, which had an opening at the back where apparently the brains were evacuated,” the doctor advises. “This would be consistent with a partial-birth abortion.”
Pro-life groups, aided by pro-life lawmakers on Capitol Hill, are demanding an investigation but so far the pro-abortion city government has ignored those demands.