Does pro-abortion bill in Colorado mirror chilling trend?

Does pro-abortion bill in Colorado mirror chilling trend?

Does pro-abortion bill in Colorado mirror chilling trend?

Colorado’s governor has signed a pro-abortion bill that is alarming pro-lifers for opening up the already-liberal state to more late-term abortions and, incredibly, to growing accusations some states are excusing infanticide days and weeks after birth.

Leslie Hanks of Colorado Right to Life says the “Reproductive Health Equity Act” is better described as an “abomination before God Almighty” for its jaw-dropping defense of abortion.

Late-term abortion was already legal in the state but more late-term clinics are expected to open after passage of the legislation and the new law.

There is also concern among pro-life activists that the bill’s reference to “postnatal” care would allow for termination of a newborn even after birth.

What that term means for Colorado newborns is not explained, Hanks says, but the pro-life movement is tracking legislation in Maryland and California that critics warn would shield parents from criminal and civil charges for neglecting a newborn.

“The cultural Left is blazing new grounds of depravity,” pro-life activist Wesley Smith concludes in a chilling March article in which the attorney breaks down the language in the California bill, AB 2223. That legislation states:

The Legislature finds and declares that every individual possesses a fundamental right of privacy with respect to personal reproductive decisions, which entails the right to make and effectuate decisions about all matters relating to pregnancy, including prenatal care, childbirth, postpartum care, contraception, sterilization, abortion care, miscarriage management, and infertility care.

“One blue-state bill that would allow a born baby to be neglected to death might be an anomaly,” Smith writes, referring to Maryland’s bill. “A second that does that — and perhaps could be interpreted to allow infanticide, also — is a pattern.”

According to Hanks, the Colorado bill that is now state law mentions family planning, contraceptive care, abortion care, and prenatal and postnatal care.

“They don’t really explain,” she says, “what they mean by what’s going to be happening with postnatal,” she tells AFN.