Boston University's student newspaper recently brought Martin Luther King, Jr.'s legacy into an editorial praising its medical school for teaching abortion.

But Dr. Alveda King assures American Family News her uncle was not in the pro-abortion camp.
"Reverend Martin Luther King once said, 'The Negro cannot win if he's willing to sacrifice the futures of his children for immediate personal comfort and safety,'" Dr. King notes. "He also said, 'Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere,' and, 'When we value the human personality, we won't kill anybody.'"
Even though MLK was once given an award by Planned Parenthood, King says that does not mean the civil rights leader supported abortion.
"When Martin Luther King, Jr. died, abortion was pretty much illegal all over America, except some exceptions in New York," she points out. "So the duplicity of the abortion industry to say that my uncle would agree with killing the weakest human beings in America and on the planet, the babies in the womb, they are not telling the truth."
That, she reiterates, does not fit with the legacy of MLK.