Kaivan Shroff, a male Harvard Law School student, claimed in an op-ed late last year that men benefit from and need legalized abortion. But Nathan Misirian of Support After Abortion says what Shroff's article ignores is the emotional troubles that can lead to more serious difficulties for men whose children have been lost to abortion.

Misirian adds, though, that hope and healing are possible.
"We have a curriculum and a program, both virtual and confidential, that provides a path towards healing," he tells American Family News. "You can get to a place of forgiveness -- forgiving yourself, receiving forgiveness from the Lord -- and be able to restore a right relationship with yourself and others."
Misirian's organization learned much from the study it commissioned on men and abortion.
"What we found is 72% of men are looking for healing after abortion, and they don't know where to find it," he relays. "So what we want to do is be the voice that says to others, 'Raise up and provide more healing for men as well as women.' But men have really been left out of the equation most often."
Support After Abortion provides services for men and women.