The Texas Health and Human Services Commission has released new abortion data that includes the stats since the heartbeat law took effect in September 2021. According to Dr. Michael New, associate scholar at the Charlotte Lozier Institute, it reveals positive things have happened during the period.

"It made a big impact in terms of reducing the number of abortions that took place in Texas," Dr. New relays. "There were 2,000 fewer abortions in September 2021 than in 2020. So by my estimates, the Texas Heartbeat Act is stopping about 75 abortions every day in the state of Texas."
Though some women are getting around the ban on aborting children whose heartbeats can be detected by venturing to clinics in other states, abortions in Texas are down about 51%.
"There's also evidence that pregnancy help centers in Texas are getting more calls and more visits," Dr. New reports. "Heartbeat International did a survey of pregnancy help centers in and near Texas, and they said that 43% saw an increase in clients. So clearly, more Texas women are seeking help and are carrying pregnancies to term."
He submits that other conservative states determined to protect preborn children would do well to pay attention to the success of the Texas heartbeat law.