U.S. Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vermont) has introduced nine spending bills that force taxpayers to foot the bill for abortions by dropping pro-life laws such as the Protecting Life and Global Health Assistance Act. That is better known as the Mexico City Policy, which dates back to the 1970s and prevents taxpayer-paid abortions.
Prudence Robertson of the Susan B. Anthony List says the radical pro-abortion Democrats want to eliminate the Hyde-Weldon amendments that are hated by abortion supporters.

“They want to eliminate the Hyde-Weldon amendment, which protects the consciences of taxpayers, people who object to abortion because of their religion or their conscience, because it's morally wrong,” she explains. “They want them to pay for abortions.”
Other bills would have citizens in all 50 states pay for abortions in Washington, D.C. and also pump money into the UN agency UNFPA, which has been connected to some of the worst human rights abuses in China and North Korea.
Robertson and Susan B. Anthony List are urging the public to contact their senator and demand the Senate reject radical pro-abortion legislation.