A call to focus on shared humanity

A call to focus on shared humanity

A call to focus on shared humanity

An author and advocate for all people with disabilities has a special reason for reaching out to expecting parents whose preborn child has been diagnosed with Down syndrome.

David Egan of Vienna, Virginia has authored a book titled "More Alike Than Different: My Life With Down Syndrome." He shares that he learned early in life that he had the support of his parents, his siblings, and his community.

"My disability was never an excuse," he asserts. "I also was given all the opportunities to discover my skills and my abilities. I was included in my community -- at school, at church, and with a fully competitive job for over 20 years."

Just like anyone else, Egan has experienced mountaintops and low valleys.

"I also have dreams," he states. "We are more alike than different, like I wrote in my book. Our difference make us awesome and very special. Life is not always easy. At the same time, we share in the same humanity like any others in this world."

Egan urges any mother whose preborn baby has been diagnosed with Down syndrome to visit with an adult with the condition before considering aborting her child. He has also recently testified before a congressional panel.

"I am now a communications coordinator at Source America, the biggest non-profit organization that promotes employment for all people with disabilities," Egan reveals. "Life is good. I am very grateful."