Anti-infanticide petition drive engaged

Anti-infanticide petition drive engaged

Anti-infanticide petition drive engaged

A pro-life group in Massachusetts is asking voters to right a deadly wrong recently made by the state legislature.

Late last year, pro-abortion lawmakers opened the door to infanticide when they rammed through a bill to repeal a law that guaranteed all newborns have access to life-saving medical care. But Patricia Stewart of Massachusetts Citizens for Life says pro-lifers in the state are gearing up to change that.

Stewart, Patricia (MA Citizens for Life) Stewart

"We have engaged in an initiative to send around a petition in the fall to change that law back to one that would mandate life-saving care for every child born alive in Massachusetts," she reports.

The Abortion Survivors Network presently has 300 members, but there is no accurate record of how many other people have lived through botched abortions.

With that in mind, Stewart's organization has a lot of hard work ahead.

"We're going to need over 80,000 signatures. This is based on a requirement to obtain 3% of the total number of registered voters in the last gubernatorial election," the pro-lifer explains. "The procedure to obtain the signatures will be to circulate petitions in the fall between September 10th and November 2nd."

Volunteers will be fully trained and then stationed anywhere they are allowed to obtain signatures, and that especially includes churches.