The upper Midwestern state passed 10 pro-life bills in its latest legislative session, and all 10 are now law. Dale Bartscher of South Dakota Right to Life says one of the major ones, House Bill 1110, outlaws abortions of preborn children who are diagnosed with Down syndrome.
"Such abortions … compound the grave evil of abortion by eugenically targeting certain children," Bartscher submits. "We simply believe that all human life, regardless of disability, has profound dignity as made in God's image."
That truth is now firmly nestled in South Dakota law.

Another of the more weighty new measures, House Bill 1051, requires abortionists to provide aid for any baby who is born alive during a failed abortion.
"This bill strengthens our current statute in South Dakota by adding penalties for those who violate the statute and protections for those who report on violations -- in other words, whistleblowers," the pro-lifer details. "It also provides a reporting mechanism."
Before the most recent legislative session, Americans United for Life ranked South Dakota as the ninth most pro-life state in the nation in terms of passing laws that protect preborn children and their mothers.