Benjamin Clapper of Louisiana Right to Life tells One News Now Governor John Bell Edwards (D) has signed the Abortion Pill Reversal Act, a measure that will help women who think twice about killing their preborn child, even after they have taken the first of two abortion pills.
"This law will give information to women who may regret their abortion, who may want to choose another option," says Clapper. "If they follow this path, if they talk to a doctor, then they may be able to hold their child one day, even after taking the first abortion pill."
According to Heartbeat International, more than 2,000 infant lives have been saved through the abortion pill reversal protocol so far.
On another note, current Louisiana law allows a child seeking an abortion to obtain a judicial bypass by going to a judge where the abortion clinic is located.

"But now that's no longer an option," Clapper details. "The [U.S.] Supreme Court makes us have judicial bypass, but now they have to go to a judge in their own parish or county, and that's going to reduce the amount that the abortion facilities can traffic these young girls through these judges' offices and into the abortion facilities all without their parents knowing."
That would leave the health of their child in the hands of the parents rather than the government or court officials.
Meanwhile Texas, which is one of the more prominent pro-life states, is pushing to pass more legislation to protect preborn babies and their mothers.
The Lone Star State legislature has called a special session to finish the business it did not complete in the regular session. Governor Greg Abbott (R) determines what items will be considered, and as of now, Texas Right to Life spokesperson Rebecca Parma says that only includes one pro-life item.
"Currently we do have some regulations over chemical abortions in Texas, but this policy would be to protect more Texas women and to remove our state's dependence on the federal provisions that govern how abortion-inducing drugs are regulated," Parma details.

Not on the agenda, however, are several items the pro-life organization wants considered. One is to abolish the 10-day rule that permits hospitals to pull the plug on patients, giving family members 10 days to find a facility that will continue their loved one's necessary life-sustaining treatment.
"There's more work to be done to protect the consciences of our healthcare workers," Parma asserts. "There's even more that we can do to protect preborn babies here in Texas and build on that momentum from the regular session of passing the Heartbeat Act."
Gov. Abbott has not yet indicated whether he will add the additional items to the special session agenda.