Far Left's fight over Biden exposing their real goal: political power

Far Left's fight over Biden exposing their real goal: political power

Far Left's fight over Biden exposing their real goal: political power

While the incumbent president flounders publicly, high-profile Democrats are proving they are putting their party over their country, says a conservative attorney.

President Joe Biden’s one-on-one interview with George Stephanopoulos, a former senior advisor in the Bill Clinton administration, in the wake of a disastrous debate performance against Donald Trump, didn’t limit calls for Biden to exit the race.

Biden’s future is murky but for many in his party just having a pulse is enough. Nothing can happen in the political landscape that would push them to vote for Trump.

MSNBC host Joy Reid confirmed that last week, posting a video to social media urging Democrats to stop the public bickering.

“Y’all just tell me who the nominee is going to be," she said. "Let me know when you guys are finished fighting amongst yourselves who I gotta vote for in November to keep Hitler out of the White House." 

AOC targets Supreme Court

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez took timeout from Biden’s debate performance to focus on yet another way to get at Trump: Impeaching the U.S. Supreme Court justices who, last week, granted presidents broad immunity from prosecution for actions taken in the context of their official duties.

“The Supreme Court has become consumed by a corruption crisis beyond its control. Today’s ruling represents an assault on American democracy. It is up to Congress to defend our nation from this authoritarian capture. I intend on filing articles of impeachment upon our return,” Ocasio-Cortez wrote after the Court’s decision was announced.

Impeachment proceedings can be initiated by any member of the House. If the motion passes a floor vote, an investigation involving all relevant committees begins. The investigation is overseen by the House Judiciary Committee.

Ocasio-Cortez serves on the House Committee on Natural Resources and on the Committee on Oversight and Accountability.

“She’s not a serious person. She doesn’t belong in government," attorney Ron Coleman told show host Jenna Ellis. "Nonetheless, she is a highly influential political figure."

Reciting the "no enemies to the Left" slogan, which originated during the French Revolution, Coleman observed the Democrats follow the same motto with no limitations based on principle. 

Coleman said he felt such a move would be unlikely to pass even a Democrat-majority House, which is not the current makeup of the House.

Coleman, Ron (Dhillon Law Group) Coleman

Instead, comments from Reid and an impeachment threat from Ocasio-Cortez are designed to stir up uninformed voters or those who, like Reid, are concerned only with one political party.

Ocasio-Cortez simply followed the script, Coleman said.

“That was her job. That's precisely what she was drafted to do. She’s going to be doing more of this,” he said.

Coleman said Reid and Ocasio-Cortez are examples of democracy – the freedom to speak as individuals or the freedom to help govern as an elected official.

In some ways democracy is a “messed-up” system, Coleman said.

“It says something more about democracy in general, as an institution fundamentally and across all societies that have relied on democracy for all or part of their governance. It’s a messed-up system. There just doesn't happen to be a better one that we have actually been able to figure out,” he said.

Coleman compared Reid and Ocasio-Cortez to reaction in France to its reelection of a Leftist government.

“The far Left is rioting in the streets because they won. They won by appealing to the worst elements, by stoking fears of the adversary as being monsters who are incapable of humane decision-making and really undermining the trust that all systems of governance are based on,” he said.

It’s selfish governance, Coleman said.

In the case of Reid “what she’s really saying is ‘I don’t care who’s running the government. I’m on board with everyone who knows it hasn’t been Joe Biden probably since go. I’m fine with that as long as it’s us or as long as it’s our side,’” Coleman said.

It’s only about winning or losing

Coleman said Ocasio-Cortez isn’t concerned with whether the Supreme Court functions properly but is concerned only with “whether she’s winning or losing.”

This self-over-country approach by Democrats goes back to at least the Richard Nix Era, Coleman said.

“Republicans are always the end of the world. If they have any kind of conservative policies, they’re just the absolute worst. They’re stupid. They’re venal. They’re corrupt. They’re every possible thing you can accuse a president of being. This is just how they roll,” he said.