Political economics researcher Stone Washington, a member of Project 21, says he was disappointed but not surprised when Biden told Morehouse College graduates they live in an unfair and unjust nation steeped in racism. Part of the address followed a theme on “what is democracy” that assured the black graduates their president, who is seeking re-election, knows and cares about the unfair challenges they are enduring.
“What is democracy if black men are being killed in the street?” Biden told the graduates. “What is democracy if a trail of broken promises still leave black — black communities behind? What is democracy if you have to be 10 times better than anyone else to get a fair shot?
“And most of all,” Biden continued, “what does it mean, as we’ve heard before, to be a black man who loves his country even if it doesn’t love him back in equal measure?”

The tone and the theme of Biden’s commencement address, Washington says, reminded him of critical race theory and its key claim of systemic racism, meaning a system that keeps whites in power and keep blacks and other minorities from succeeding.
The official White House transcript, in fact, included the phrase “systemic racism,” when Biden promised to “call out the poison of white supremacy, to root out systemic racism.”
Biden's commencement address also mentioned and defended DEI, or diversity, equity and inclusion. That philosophy, a close cousin to critical race theory, encourages hiring and promoting minorities over white applicants and employees.
“It was supposed to be a speech that was supposed to be uplifting and inspiring,” Washington says, “but Biden used the speech as very depressing and disparaging."
Biden’s address also inspired a New York Post op-ed by Adam Coleman, a black author, who bluntly wrote Biden proved Sunday he is a racist himself.
“Matter of fact,” Coleman wrote, “he’s the worst type of racist because he pretends to be your friend while pulling you back every time you attempt to move forward.”
Coleman further writes that Biden showed up at Morehouse because polls show he is losing support among black voters and needs black voters to “stay in power” in November.
Coleman also recalls that Biden has angrily condemned blacks who don’t support him, quoting Biden’s “you ain’t black” comment in 2020 about blacks who vote for Donald Trump.
Asked if Biden’s commencement address inspired young people, Washington insists it did the opposite, especially among independent-minded voters who are now less likely to vote for Biden on Election Day.