House members go on offense over abortion pill Mifepristone

House members go on offense over abortion pill Mifepristone

House members go on offense over abortion pill Mifepristone

Facing opposition from the abortion-supporting Biden administration, U.S. House members aren’t sitting by idly for a U.S. Supreme Court ruling on abortion pill Mifepristone.

President Joe Biden and his administration are trying to back door the abortion bans and restrictions in many states by making the drug typically used for abortion available through the mail.

The Department of Justice announced last month it will ask the Supreme Court to reverse a Fifth Circuit court ruling that blocked mail delivery last month.

Rep. Chris Smith (R-New Jersey), a member of the House Pro-Life Caucus, is leading an effort to make several large retail pharmacies go on record with their intentions. Rep. Buddy Carter (R-Georgia), himself a pharmacist, joined Smith in writing a letter to Walgreens, CVS and Rite-Aid to express their position.

In January, the FDA allowed mail delivery for Mifepristone and allowed retail pharmacies to dispense the drug if they become certified under a federal monitoring program.

Walgreens and CVS quickly announced they would seek certification.

In an interview on American Family Radio, Rep. Smith pointedly said it violates federal law to send what he calls "deadly chemicals" through the U.S. mail. 

“We’re asking six specific questions about whether or not they are knowingly going to participate," Smith said, referring to the pharmacy chains, "because the word 'knowingly' triggers additional penalties in criminal law."

The law also applies to private shipping companies, he said.

“The abortion president, Joe Biden, is trying to circumvent the pro-Life laws in a number of states like Florida, Texas, Georgia and elsewhere," Smith complained to the "Washington Watch" program. "They are trying to make our neighborhood pharmacies into abortion clinics.”

A huge factor in abortion numbers

Research shows 53% of abortions are completed with Mifepristone.

Smith and Carter are not alone in opposing the mail-ordered abortion drug. Their letter was also signed by 21 state attorneys general.

“Without a doubt, 21 states’ attorney’s general have said that this is wrong. It's illegal. They have signed a very strong letter. I do believe there will be legal action taken into courts,” Smith said.

Smith and Carter wrote to U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland asking about the administration’s interpretation of Office of Legislative Counsel’s statute on Mifepristone. Smith says the OLC’s wording is unambiguous and clearly prevents the mailing of the abortion drug.

He sees the administration’s Supreme Court push as yet another example of its willingness to disregard laws.

“We’ve seen violation of laws by indifference, non-enforcement or just going the other way down at the border. This administration has been outrageous in its lack of enforcement of clearly stated law,” Smith said. “They just flaunt the law. It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t apply to them. It makes a mockery of a country that claims to be a rule of law nation.”