Pennsylvania went for Donald Trump in 2016. But in 2020, after using COVID to change the voting rules, Democrats allowed mail-in voting and drop boxes, opening the door to widespread election fraud that ultimately benefited Joe Biden. Many election observers believe those changes in Pennsylvania and other swing states are what cost Trump the election.
More recently, following Tuesday's special elections for three vacant Pittsburgh-area House seats, the Democrats claimed a slim edge over Republicans and now control the state House. So Diane Gramley, president of the American Family Association of Pennsylvania, says any hope of changing the election rules in that chamber has been dashed.
"Anything that is election integrity concerned will probably not pass in the House," she submits. "So I don't see any changes in Pennsylvania."

Hope, however, may still be found in the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. The seven-seat high court currently has a majority of four justices elected as Democrats. Two other justices were elected as Republicans, and one seat is open following the death last year of Max Baer, who was chief justice.
"The whole fiasco from 2020 fell to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court," Gramley recalls. "Basically, in my book, they affirmed the election fraud that was taking place in Pennsylvania in 2020."
But the upcoming election is an opportunity for Pennsylvania to elect a conservative candidate to the state's Supreme Court, which could sway the majority to the conservative side.
"We'll see what happens," says Gramley.
Judicial elections in Pennsylvania occur in odd-numbered years to 10-year terms. Justices may hold an unlimited number of terms until they reach the mandatory retirement age of 75.
Republicans still hold the majority in the swing state's Senate.