Senator Todd Young (R-Indiana) (pictured above) was in the group of Republicans who recently sided with Democrats to advance legislation that would codify same-sex marriage. Though it is known as the Respect for Marriage Act, Micah Clark of the American Family Association (AFA) of Indiana says it should be called the Disrespect for Marriage Act.

"I think it's a terrible vote on Senator Young's part," he responds. "It's not where Hoosiers are, if they realize what this bill is really about. It does not respect people who believe children need a mother and a father, and the danger of this bill is that it's a serious threat to religious freedom."
It could, for example, set up penalties for Christian schools with hiring policies based on sexual morality and/or take away the nonprofit status of organizations that speak out on this issue – organizations like AFA of Indiana.
"This is a very dangerous bill, and … I've seen a text that [Sen. Young] directly sent to a leader, a pastor here, and he thinks that the amendment that was added – that is really smoke and mirrors on religious freedom – covers the First Amendment protections, which it does not," Clark reports.
He says it may cover a pastor in a ceremony not having to do a wedding, "but that's about it." So the AFA of Indiana executive director reiterates that "this bill is dangerous and needs to be stopped."
"Todd Young should not go along with Chuck Schumer and Joe Biden, giving them a victory just a week after he was easily re-elected in Indiana," Clark adds.