Missouri legislators advance pro-life bill

Missouri legislators advance pro-life bill

Missouri legislators advance pro-life bill

Missouri lawmakers are tackling a multi-faceted pro-life bill that takes on Planned Parenthood and protects children who survive abortion.

Sam Lee of Campaign Life Missouri tells AFN the bill demands a “comprehensive defunding” of abortion giant Planned Parenthood.  

“Not just through the state's Medicaid program,” Lee says of the bill, “but also in any program where state funds would be used or even federal funds that pass through the state.”

The Missouri House has passed the legislation and sent it to a pro-life majority in the Senate. 

The bill also creates the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. That would require that if a baby is born alive after an abortion, or an attempted abortion, that any health care provider present has to take care of the child and send the child to the hospital for care and treatment.

The final provision in the bill puts a stop to mail-order chemical abortions.