For months leading up to the recall election of California Governor Gavin Newsom, conservatives had hoped that the horrible conditions in the state and the Democrat's draconian COVID measures were enough to convince Californians to turn to conservative Republican Larry Elder. A GOP victory in such a liberal state would have also been seen as a referendum on Joe Biden and set the stage for a potential Republican tsunami in 2022.

But with reports of the same kinds of election shenanigans that plagued the 2020 presidential election, Californians soundly rejected the recall last week. So Sandy Rios, director of governmental affairs at American Family Association, is skeptical about the GOP's chances next year.
"I'm not confident at all," she admits. "I think it's a mistake to think that the midterms are going to be a slam-dunk. If there were free and fair elections, the midterms would be a slam-dunk for people who love this country, because I think people have seen in living color already in the short time that Joe Biden's been in office how frightening the left's policies are."
And Rios is not confident that enough will be done to prevent election fraud in 2022.
"Personally I would be surprised if they've managed to do enough to stop the same chicanery in the midterms what happened in 2020," she continues. "There's no way that the left is going to let this go by. They're organized. They're ready."
She also fears that the Democrats will push through HR 1, which would federalize elections and allow the left to control every precinct in state. "Then we'll never have a free country again," Rios warns.
Editor's Note: The American Family Association is the parent organization of the American Family News Network and