In the wake of the 2020 presidential election, many political analysts were concerned that Tuesday's recall election of Gavin Newsom could reveal the same kind of irregularities that plagued the presidential race. Then on the eve of the election, there were reports of Republicans going to the polls to vote only to be told they had already voted. Several hundred recall ballots were also found in the trunk of a drug suspect's vehicle.

Robert Knight, a conservative activist and a columnist for The Washington Times, says California has made it easier to cheat.
"In light of the uncertainty about the 2020 election, in which many people believe there was widespread vote fraud, California went ahead and loosened its election safeguards," he explains. "The Democrats who control that state, top to bottom, decided that you could have massive mail-in ballots sent to households; you don't even have to request them. They have every form of means by which you can commit vote fraud, including ballot harvesting."
Knight believes the Democrats will do anything to maintain their grip on power.
"They seem to be pulling out all stops to preserve the corrupt administration of Gavin Newsom," he continues. "They're terrified of the idea that a black conservative like Larry Elder could actually prevail. That could signal a sea change in how minorities view both parties, Republicans and Democrats."
Knight says the Democrats know they cannot afford to let that happen.