Can Penn. expect a proper audit?

Can Penn. expect a proper audit?

Can Penn. expect a proper audit?

A pro-family activist is not confident that a true forensic audit of The Keystone State's 2020 election results is forthcoming.

Pennsylvania's GOP leader, Jake Corman, recently pulled the rug out from under state Senator Doug Mastriano (R), who has led the effort for a forensic audit of the 2020 election in his state. Corman has made freshman Senator Cris Dush (R) the overseer of the audit effort.

Gramley, Diane (AFA of Pennsylvania) Gramley

"Our fear is that a thorough forensic audit will not take place," comments Diane Gramley, president of the American Family Association of Pennsylvania. "Cris Dush is one of the senators who went with Senator Mastriano to Arizona to see how they were carrying out their forensic audit, but I don't know if Senator Dush has enough gumption to carry out what needs to be done in Pennsylvania."

She is confident, though, about what a true and properly conducted audit would reveal.

"It would reveal rampant voter fraud and that President Donald J. Trump won Pennsylvania easily in November 2020," Gramley asserts. "To buy into the idea that someone who campaigned from his basement beat someone who was out there in front of the people is just beyond belief not only for folks here in Pennsylvania, but for folks across the country."

That, she concludes, is why there is such a strong resistance to getting the audit done.