Israel-supporting GOP congressman says unhinged Left threatening him over stance

Israel-supporting GOP congressman says unhinged Left threatening him over stance

Israel-supporting GOP congressman says unhinged Left threatening him over stance

President Joe Biden’s continuing attempt to micromanage Israel’s war against Hamas is bad news for the Israelis, a House Republican says.

Now the President is responding to had news in the polls, and fringe members of his support group are threatening lawmakers, Rep. Tim Burchett (R-Tennessee) told the  Washington Watch program. 

Burchett told show host Jody Hice that some of Biden’s radical funding base – the pro-Palestinian group CodePink -- recently threatened his family.

“This Code Pink that’s out there, this is their issue. They are being funded, we understand, by Hamas, a terrorist organization. They come up here, and they claim they lobby, but they just get in our face. They said something about killing my family last week, and of course, the Capitol Hill police haven’t done anything, and they won’t,” Burchett said.

Burchett, Tim (R-Tennessee) Burchett

“Here’s the situation: the President, he’s reading his opinion polls, and his radical Left base that’s on these college campuses, these are far left anarchists, and they’re a very small minority, but the President is so far down in the polls they’re afraid they won’t even be able to bring those people to the table,” Burchett said.

Biden’s management of the U.S. exit from Afghanistan led to a “ruined” life for one U.S. Marine. Thirteen others weren’t that lucky, Burchett said.

“The suicide bomber, the Marine Corp sniper I asked in testimony, did he have this guy in their sights? He did, two different times, yet through our rules of engagement, he ended up getting blown up, having I think 20-something surgeries, his life ruined. He could have taken out that suicide bomber, and 13 brave Americans could be with their families today,” Burchett said.

Among the 13 killed was one of Burchett’s constituents.

Now Biden – who earlier this month put a hold on U.S. war materials for Israel -- is trying to influence war-time decisions for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

“The last thing Netanyahu wants is American boots on the ground, especially with this President. If we had (Donald) Trump in the White House it may be a different story. I don’t think we’d have this battle in Gaza if Trump was in the White House,” Burchett said. “(Hamas) knows he’s not going to put up with that foolishness, and they know he has an ally in Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel.”

The House last Thursday passed the Israel Security Assistance Support Act which compels “expeditious” delivery of approved defense articles and services while also condemning the Biden administration for its decision to pause arms shipments.

The measure also reaffirms Israel’s right to self-defense and requires the executive branch to file a report to Congress explaining its earlier decision to withhold assistance.

“Imagine this, we’re passing a law to make sure he follows a law that we already passed. That’s what we did. It’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever seen. It’s a disgrace to our friends in Israel, and it sends the completely wrong message,” Burchett said.

The House shouldn't have to encourage "expeditious" delivery of aid approved by Congress.

The Impoundment Control Act of 1974 reasserted Congress' constitutional control over the budget by establishing new procedures for controlling impoundments and by instituting a formal process through which Congress could develop, coordinate and enforce its own budgetary priorities independent of the President.

Burchett: Enforce the laws we already have

Burchett said the decision to withhold aid, even temporarily, was “disgraceful and unlawful. That wasn’t even the aid package that we sent over there. This was prior to that. This was an arms’ contract that they actually paid for. He doesn’t care about Israel, he doesn’t care about peace. All he cares about is staying in power and keeping this group of anarchists that are running our country in the White House.”

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has not yet taken up the House Israel assistance bill.

Burchett said better than more legislation would be to enforce laws already on the books.

“We’re passing a law to make sure he follows a law that we already passed. That’s what we did. It’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever seen. It’s a disgrace to our friends in Israel, and it sends the completely wrong message,” he said.