Booted Army PFC hopeful TX guv heeds message from fellow vets

Booted Army PFC hopeful TX guv heeds message from fellow vets

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Derrick Wynne delivers Declaration of Military Accountability to Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (January 12, 2024 / Abbott staff photo)

Booted Army PFC hopeful TX guv heeds message from fellow vets

He was forced from serving his country in the military because – like many others – he refused to take the "jab." But he wants his governor to how he and his fellow patriots are being treated by the DOD.

For members of the U.S. military and its veterans, it has been an uphill battle to hold the Defense Department to account for the harm it caused to thousands of service members over the COVID-19 "vaccine" mandate. For many, surrender isn't an option.

Army PFC Derrick Wynne was separated from the Army in June 2022 for refusing the once-mandated COVID-19 vaccine. Having joined the Army in July 2020, Wynne is one of the lowest ranking service members to be removed from service for that reason.

Since his separation, the former private first class has made a relentless effort to call attention to what he considers an "unlawful" military vaccine mandate and its repercussions. He tells American Family News that much of his effort centers around demanding accountability from those involved in the implementation and enforcement of the mandate.

That accounts for him being one of the signatories to the Declaration of Military Accountability. That declaration includes the signatures of 231 current and former military members who seek accountability over the harm caused by the Department of Defense's (DOD) now-rescinded COVID-19 vaccine mandate.

Announced on January 1 on X, formerly known as Twitter, the declaration has been viewed 4.2 million times and has been reposted over 13,000. A petition now accompanies the declaration, allowing others to pledge their support of the movement to hold military leadership accountable. Over 24,000 people have signed the petition.

"As one of the lowest enlisted people who was kicked out [of the military], supposedly being held accountable for refusing the COVID shot, accountability is a huge thing to me," Wynne says. "Where's the accountability of the military for failing to embody a standard of moral integrity, loyalty, respect, and all the things they claim to represent?"

For him, such accountability is nonexistent. "Instead, we've pretended to have all these values, but not when it comes times to actually make decisions," Wynne argues.

He contends the military vaccine mandate was "illegal" from the start and should have never been mandated. And as the declaration recognizes, he points out that "[several] military leaders broke the law and chose their life and livelihood over their obligation to protect, lead, and fight for those in the ranks below them."

Wynne sees dangers as a result. "It's creating an armed forces filled with people who are willing to do whatever they're told by their higher ups – even when it's violates the law and the Constitution," he states

Wynne explains he has made "tireless" efforts to get the attention of state and federal legislators in Texas. But his attempts to demand accountability of the military have largely fallen on deaf ears. "I'm being blatantly ignored by nearly every politician – even the ones in my own district," he laments.

Earlier this month, Wynne had the opportunity to meet Texas Governor Greg Abbott at an unrelated event (see image above). Whether that will have an impact on the governor remains to be seen.

"I handed him [the Declaration of Accountability], shook his hand, looked him straight in the eyes, and told him what I've been fighting for these past two years," he shares. "He needs to understand what the military got away with – [essentially] the trampling of our freedom.

"Clearly," Wynne concludes, "this whole COVID-19 experience was a litmus test for the freedom of the American people – and it failed."

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