At the prestigious United States Military Academy, commonly known as West Point, a lawsuit by Judicial Watch forced the 220-year-old school to admit at least some of its future second lieutenants are sitting through hours of anti-white, race-based lessons. All totaled, the respected military academy handed over more than 600 pages of documents, including classroom slides (pictured above) about “whiteness” and “race privilege." One slide obtained by Judicial Watch is entitled “Modern Slavery in the USA” that suggests modern-day society keeps blacks from graduating college, getting bank loans, and getting job promotions.
Reacting to the controversy, West Point alum Bob Maginnis tells AFN the academy is introducing cadets to a “divisive” ideology when the goal is instilling trust and unit cohesion among a diverse group of future leaders.
“It doesn't follow. And so I would be, as a commander, very upset about that,” Maginnis, a retired U.S. Army lieutenant colonel, says. “And if that's what the Biden administration is pushing, then I would be vehemently opposed to it."
Judicial Watch says it was forced to twice sue the U.S. Dept. of Defense and West Point’s top leaders to obtain any teaching materials related to “whiteness” being used at the academy.
It is unclear how many patriotic cadets are sitting through the Marxist-based theory about racism and privilege, since West Point has not responded to inquiries from national media outlets. The materials obtained by Judicial Watch include a classroom syllabus for “The Politics of Race, Gender, and Sexuality” in the Social Sciences Department that gives cadets three credits for finishing the class.
“The concepts that will be discussed in this class,” the syllabus reads, “are essential for future military officers to understand and fully absorb.”
What the West Point cadets are being asked to “absorb” is literally Communism. The claim that minorities are the victims of a race-based power structure came from the minds of black Ivy League legal scholars in the 1980s. Their claim that blacks are victims of black-hating, power-hungry whites sprang from Marxist intellectuals who warned the poor and working class in the 1930s they are victims of class-based inequality that is created and perpetrated by the rich and powerful.
Despite its Marxist roots and controversial claims about white Americans, Critical Race Theory has been embraced by mega-powerful corporations such as Coca-Cola, American Express, and JP Morgan. Many of those Fortune 500 companies first embraced the “Black Lives Matter” movement amid George Floyd’s death and street riots, and not long afterward white Bank of America employees were encouraged to be “woke at work” and “decolonize your mind.” All of that mandatory training was exposed only by whistleblowers.
In school classrooms, when tenets of CRT are introduced, innocent white students are typically informed they are privileged racists after their white school teachers are cleansed of guilt by admitting they are inherently racist, a struggle session-like moment of admission known in the CRT movement as “wokeness.”

Much of the training in corporate boardrooms and school classrooms has the fingerprints of Critical Race Theory, even though CRT is often never mentioned, but the West Point classroom materials exposed by Judicial Watch do not hide from it.
Tom Fitton, who leads Judicial Watch, tells AFN the West Point documents prove the military is being attacked from within its own classroom walls.
“We're teaching anti-Americanism and racial division,” he warns. “You know, frankly, it's designed to attack one race and victimize another.”
Mirroring the warnings from Maginnis, Fitton says the Pentagon can't build a “cohesive” military by stoking race-based division among its future leaders.