Mary Beth Waddell, Family Research Council's director of federal affairs, recently told the "Washington Watch with Tony Perkins" program that FRC honors and values the women who serve "and have no problem with women in service."
"This is about requiring women to replenish the frontlines when soldiers have given the ultimate sacrifice," she continued.
The call for women to register with the Selective Service System is included in an amendment for the National Defense Authorization Act – a measure the Senate Armed Services Committee approved with help from some Republicans.

"This is something that is completely unnecessary," said Waddell about requiring women to be drafted into Selective Service. "If we needed to double our military, that would only require less than 1.5% of the male population to serve in a draft, and that's completely doable."
Waddell also went on to say that the physical differences between men and women must be acknowledged.
"Equality doesn't mean that there's 100% equal in everything that individuals can do," argued Waddell. "Men and women are created differently for different purposes and with different bodies. And all the studies show that there are fewer women who can meet the physical requirements for being on the front lines, in the most austere of situations, which is what the draft would essentially be replacing."
Waddell also went on to point out that the standards of the draft are "a little bit lesser than normal procedures." And ultimately, studies show that all-male units actually operate better than co-ed units.