Gene Mills of the Louisiana Family Forum says both houses of the state legislature have finally passed and sent to Governor John Bel Edwards (D) a bill to keep minors from attempting the impossible of becoming the opposite gender.

"Basically what it does is prohibit surgical procedures that are unnecessary and harmful and permanent, as well as chemical hormones that castrate and alter natural systems within a child's body," Mills details about HB 648. "We think it's medical malpractice and medical mutilation, and it should not be allowed in Louisiana."
Gov. Edwards now has the choice of signing the measure into law, allowing it to become law without his signature, or vetoing it. If he opts for the latter, it could take up to 23 days for that to become known.
"That gives a little time for the legislature to go back home and try to decide [if] they want to come back for a veto override session," Mills relays. "I'm sure all of this is playing into the governor's calculation as to whether or not he can get away with a veto or if he's going to allow the people, who have spoken rather loudly, and the body, who has spoken rather decisively, to have the final word on this matter."
Mills' organization is calling on residents of Louisiana to contact and politely urge the governor to sign the measure into law.