McEnany blasts 'shameful reporting' from The Atlantic

McEnany blasts 'shameful reporting' from The Atlantic

McEnany blasts 'shameful reporting' from The Atlantic

Vice President Kamala Harris is trying to pounce on a story about Donald Trump, but a former staffer disputes the information.

"Yesterday we learned that Donald Trump's former chief of staff John Kelly, a retired four-star general, confirmed that while Donald Trump was president, he said he wanted generals like Adolf Hitler had," said Harris Tuesday, back in Washington for an interview.

The story about Kelly and Trump first appeared in The Atlantic. It was an article written by Jeffrey Goldberg.

"Donald Trump said that because he does not want a military that is loyal to the United States Constitution," Harris continued. "He wants a military that is loyal to him; He wants a military who will be loyal to him personally, one that will obey his orders even when he tells them to break the law or abandon their oath to the Constitution of the United States."

Running on Trump hate, away from her record

Calling this a "window into who Donald Trump really is," Harris said that people such as John Kelly will not be there next time to reign in Trump.

Meanwhile, former Trump White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany told Fox News this was "shameful reporting from The Atlantic." McEnany also mentioned another anti-Trump story from Goldberg.

"The reason my antennas went up last night when I saw the name Jeffrey Goldberg is because I was on a tarmac in September of 2020 and a story popped from him in The Atlantic and it was the 'suckers and loser' story we have all heard,” she said.

McEnany went to work on the tarmac and quickly found multiple sources who refuted Goldberg’s account in 2020.

“Within hours, I was able to collect more than a dozen individuals, several who were firsthand sources saying that never happened. My point is, this is based on four anonymous sources, two weeks before an election, disputed by people on the record, and yet it led a CBS News broadcast. What a shame. They never reached out to me.”

Trump, often unaffected by what’s written about him whether accurate or inaccurate was deeply impacted by the ‘suckers and losers’ story, McEnany said.

McEnany: 'Shameful reporting'

McEnany, Kayleigh (Fox News) McEnany

The timing of the release of the current story in relation to the Nov. 5 election is not a coincidence, she said.

“I will say this. Donald Trump, I have never seen him more downtrodden than when the 'suckers and losers' story came out. When stories came out of his about his finances, fake stories, he did not care. He was devastated by that story. I remember him saying 'what kind of monster would ever say words like that?' This is shameful reporting from The Atlantic,” McEnany said.