Soros name and money behind radio purchase deal, rule-skirting FCC

Soros name and money behind radio purchase deal, rule-skirting FCC

Soros name and money behind radio purchase deal, rule-skirting FCC

The same Biden administration warning “democracy” is in danger from villainous Republicans has skirted FCC rules to approve a massive radio station purchase by a real-life villain, billionaire George Soros.

In a controversial 3-2 vote this week, three Democrats at the FCC voted to approve Soros’ purchase of more than 200 radio stations from the bankrupt owner, Audacy, according an exclusive New York Post story.

The commission’s two Republican members voted against it.

The approval was described in the Post story as “unprecedented” for the rules that were bypassed and for the speed with which it happened.

The FCC vote did not go unnoticed by attorney Abraham Hamilton, who is general counsel for the American Family Association. The Mississippi-based ministry operates 165 radio stations on its affiliated ministry, American Family Radio.

According to Hamilton, who is familiar with the FCC rules and regulations, an FCC ownership application triggers a review process if ownership includes 25% or more foreign investment.

Hamilton, Abraham (AFA attorney) Hamilton

“That review can take as much as six months to a year,” Hamilton advises. “Then there's an additional national security review.”

That fact the FCC ignored the foreign ownership rule, then dropped the national security review, is why the purchase approval was called “unprecedented” in the Post story.

Soros backed criminal-defending prosecutors

Soros, who is often likened to a James Bond villain, has become a despised boogeyman by conservatives after using his billions of dollars to influence everything from illegal immigration and abortion to journalism in the U.S. and around the world.  

Even though Soros’ influence often goes undetected in public, his campaign donations in down-ballot district attorney races didn’t go ignored in recent years. That is because those far-left prosecutors loosened criminal laws and released dangerous criminals back into the streets in Los Angeles, St. Louis, Chicago, and Manhattan.

Soros, now 93, has handed his empire’s daily operations to son Alex, and it’s unclear from the Post story if the elder billionaire is directly involved in the radio station purchase.

Schneider, Dan (MRC) Schneider

Dan Schneider, of the Media Research Center, suspects there is a reason Soros is demanding a quick approval of the radio station deal.

“It is clear to me,” Schneider tells AFN, “that George Soros wants these radio stations to be actively pushing the Democrat narrative, to have an impact on our election.”

Editor's Note: The American Family Association is the parent organization of the American Family News Network, which operates AFN.net.