Media watchdog: Barrage of questions coming from panicking libs, not persistent journalists

Media watchdog: Barrage of questions coming from panicking libs, not persistent journalists

Media watchdog: Barrage of questions coming from panicking libs, not persistent journalists

News reporters assigned to the White House keep asking important questions about an ailing President Biden, and also keep pushing back on untruthful answers, but the public is being advised to ask why journalists are suddenly doing their jobs.

Bill D'Agostino keeps on eye on the White House press corps, dominated by liberal reporters, for the Media Research Center. He tells AFN he is watching with interest as press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre is being hit with a volley of questions, day after day, after Biden’s terrible debate performance two weeks ago.  

“Karine Jean Pierre continues to give answers of, basically, no substance,” he observes. “And reporters are finally, actually, taking issue with that and calling her out for it.”

AFN has reported how reporters from liberal news outlets suddenly started asking tough questions about Biden's health at Jean-Pierre, and now those questions are continuing daily and creating tense exchanges and chaotic moments. Her tense exchange with CBS News reporter Ed O’Keefe, about Biden and a Parkinson’s Disease specialist who visited the White House, resulted in a Fox News story about the increasing tension at the press briefings.

D'Agostino, Bill (MRC) D'Agostino

"There's no reason to go back and forth with me in this aggressive way," Jean-Pierre lectured the room of reporters at one point.

The journalists in the room, however, had witnessed Jean-Pierre refuse to discuss neurologist Dr. Kevin Cannard visiting the White House because she said doing so violated the medical privacy of military personnel who work at the White House.  

In a related media story, MRC editor Curtis Houck transcribed that exchange for a July 9 story. O’Keefe ripped into the press secretary over the Parkinson’s specialist, Houck pointed out, after an Associated Press reporter had already asked about a “credibility” problem at the White House over Biden’s health.

D’Agostino tells AFN he would give the liberal media the benefit of the doubt if Biden’s health seemed fine and if reporters, like the public, were stunned to learn otherwise. However, he knows the left-leaning media is joined at the hip with the Democratic Party, so the questions being shouted are from reporters panicking that Biden will lose to Donald Trump.

“This is potentially the first time in this administration, other than maybe on the Israel-Palestine thing,” he says, “that these reporters in the White House press corps really feel that their interests are not directly aligned with the Biden administration.”