Back in 2015, a Turkish journalist photographed the body of a 3-year-old Syrian boy who had drowned trying to escape his war-torn homeland. The heartbreaking photo of the boy's limp body, face-down on the beach, went viral.
Fast forward to last week: Washington Post cartoonist Michael de Adder used social media to link to his cartoon that depicted DeSantis telling Disney characters Snow White and Mickey Mouse he was “protecting Florida’s children from you.”
In the background lie the bodies of children identified in the cartoon as “trans kids.”
Reacting to the cartoon, talk show host Jeff Crank calls it “shameful” to use the sad death of the Syrian boy, Alan Kurdi, to attack Florida’s governor.
“I hope his parents would never see that, or make the connection,” Cranks tells AFN, “because that is shameful and frankly the cartoonist ought to be embarrassed by it.”
According to a Fox News story about the cartoon, the Canada-based cartoonist has a track record of using political cartoons to make outlandish claims. During the trucker convoy protest, de Adder described them as fascists. The cartoonist was fired in 2019 after a cartoon depicted Donald Trump golfing around the dead bodies of illegal aliens, the story notes.

Like many others have pointed out, Crank says the bill signed into law was called the “Don’t Say Gay” bill because its critics lied and then lied some more about the bill.
According to the Left, children in Florida are being banned by their state government from "outing" themselves to a teacher, for example, but the purpose of the law is to ban politically-motivated teachers from indoctrinating students about "trans" ideology, such as numerous genders and personal pronouns.
In an April 1 story, AFN cited examples of teachers vowing to indoctrinate their students despite the new law, which only demonstrates the purpose of the legislation.
"It's a lie. It's nothing more than a lie," Crank complains. "It's a lie in so many ways."