Biden might have to answer for shell company shenanigans but Garland has to ask some questions

Biden might have to answer for shell company shenanigans but Garland has to ask some questions

Biden might have to answer for shell company shenanigans but Garland has to ask some questions

Accountability for Hunter Biden and his uncle could be determined by Attorney General Merrick Garland’s level of self-respect, says a Republican lawmaker.

The House Oversight Committee last week recommended both Hunter Biden and James Biden – President Joe Biden’s son and the president's brother -- for criminal prosecution on charges of lying to Congress in the House’s investigation into Biden family corruption.

It has been more than a year since the House Oversight Committee, citing bank records, said Biden family members collected more than $10 million from foreign nationals that was spread among nine members of the President’s family, and that Joe Biden was informed and involved. 

AFN reported at the time the national media ignored a 40-minute press conference in which Republican lawmakers described in detail how millions of dollars from nefarious sources flowed through numerous shell companies before being deposited.

A related story by The Associated Press said Republicans made the accusations "without evidence" of wrongdoing, even though the stage included placards that showed the transfer of money. 

After the prosecution charges were announced last week, Rep. Eric Burlison (R-MO) described the political and legal hurdles on the "Washington Watch" program last week. 

The question is what will happen with these charges? The answer, says Burlison, depends on Attorney Gen. Merrick Garland. He has the chance to follow the lead of former attorney general, Bill Barr.

“When Roger Stone was found guilty of lying to Congress, Attorney Gen. Barr prosecuted him for it, and I think that if Merrick Garland wants to follow the rule of law instead of be political, he will follow suit and he will prosecute not just Hunter, but also Jim Biden,” Burlison told show host Jody Hice.

Stone was a key figure, an advisor and legal strategist, in Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign. He was convicted on seven counts of lying to Congress, obstructing justice and witness tampering, during the investigation of collusion by Trump with Russia.

Stone’s sentence was commuted by Trump and Stone was later pardoned.

Hunter Biden’s lies show up quickly

“It became clear immediately in Hunter Biden's deposition that there were a lot of inconsistencies with his testimony and the testimony of the brother of the president, Jim Biden. In addition, there were a lot of inconsistencies with (Hunter Biden and) other testimony from Devon Archer to Tony Bobulinski, as well as just inconsistencies with the records,” Burlison said.

Archer, a Democrat operative, had been a business partner with Hunter Biden. Several overseas business deals led to Archer’s indictment and conviction in 2018.

Bobulinski, another former Hunter Biden associate, has been a key witness for the Oversight Committee and has accused Hunter Biden and Jim Biden of lying under oath about their business dealings. Bobulinski has made other accusations against the Biden family.

Since 2020, Bobulinski has been the most outspoken former Biden family associate, publicly calling the president a liar for dismissing documents from Hunter’s abandoned laptop as Russian disinformation ahead of Biden’s final debate against Trump.

Bobulinski has also repeatedly appeared on national television to detail his interactions with he Biden family, including a part of alleged May 2017 conversations with Joe Biden, The New York Post reported.

Burlison is convinced Hunter Biden is lying on multiple topics, one of them his involvement with the bank account associated with Rosemont Seneca Bohai, a Deleware-founded LLC. The company, founded on Feb. 13, 2014, was used by both Hunter Biden and Devon Archer, according to the committee’s findings.

Burlison said the account was used when Burisma, the Ukrainian energy company for whom Hunter Biden was a board member, wanted to pay him. It was used again when Kazakhstan wanted to give Hunter Biden a car.

“Now he wants to distance himself from that account because everyone who's been connected to that account has gone to jail, but the truth is when he said to us that he had no connection, he was telling a lie. His money from Burisma was funneled through that account.

“Kazakhstan, when that government wanted to purchase for him, a luxury sports car, they did so by funneling the exact amount to the Rosemont Seneca Bohi account. Hunter then went to the dealership and said that he was a signatory of some kind on the account.

“He's willing to sign an affidavit saying something that's different than what he's telling Congress,” Burlison said.

Jim Biden’s weak effort at political cover

Jim Biden’s lies were mostly efforts to protect his president brother.

‘He was trying to cover for his brother. He was trying to say that Joe Biden did not have a meeting with Tony Bobulinski and their business associates when Hunter Biden testified that not only did the meeting occur, Tony Bobulinski testified that the meeting occurred and that Jim Biden was the one that set up the meeting.

“So not only was it wrong, he's the one that set it up. He should know better,” Burlison said.