One time seven years ago, pro-lifer Larry Cirignano held a sign with a life-affirming message and stood on a sidewalk across from a Planned Parenthood that happens to be located between an elementary and middle school in D.C. The Two Rivers Public Charter School filed suit against him.

"They don't like the message of pro-life," asserts Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel, the firm representing Cirignano. "Obviously this public charter school wants Planned Parenthood to come there and surreptitiously park itself right beside an elementary and a middle school to lure these young kids into the Planned Parenthood clinic, and they don't want the parents or the public to know about it."
After fighting the case for seven years, Liberty Counsel received a bad decision from the lower federal court.
"The good news is we have a unanimous decision now that stops this nonsensical intimidation," Staver updates. "You can't use the courts to intimidate or to silence people that have protected First Amendment rights. This decision to do so by Two Rivers Public Charter School will cost them dearly."
Liberty Counsel intends to take the case back to the lower court and demand that the school pay attorney fees.