Breitbart reports that Gibson's Bakery, a 135-year-old family business near Oberlin College in Oberlin, Ohio, fell under attack after a 2016 incident in which the owner's son confronted three black Oberlin students who were stealing wine from the store.

The suspects were arrested and later admitted to shoplifting, but as Richard Holt of Project 21 details, the school accused the owners of racism and encouraged students to demonstrate at the store, which hampered the bakery's business.
"When these three students were found guilty, the students admitted that they committed these crimes. Despite that, the university still went out of their way to protest and destroy this business," Holt summarizes.
The school's president, Carmen Ambar, has refused to apologize, so Holt thinks she should be fired.
"Everybody involved should lose their job," he contends. "They probably won't because they will pretend they're the victims, that they were engaging in social justice -- even though that's obviously not true in this case -- and they'll be seen as heroes on their campus."
In 2019, Lorain County Judge John Miraldi awarded the bakery more than $40 million in punitive and compensatory damages, though it was later reduced to $25 million. The bakery was also awarded more than $6 million for lawyers' fees. Three judges on the Ninth District Court of Appeals have now issued a 3-0 decision upholding Judge Miraldi's 2019 ruling, which means the school is being required to pay $31 million in compensatory damages and lawyer fees.