The Pro-Life Action League has organized the OverturnRoe campaign that so far includes prayer rallies at more than 80 city centers, federal buildings, and abortion clinics throughout the country. Spokesman Eric Scheidler says pro-life volunteers will be hanging banners that read, "Abortion Takes a Human Life" on Wednesday, when the Supreme Court begins hearing arguments in the case that could overturn the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision.

"They're going to be seeing these banners on highway overpasses and sort of setting a context for what's happening, reminding them that this is not just about some rhetoric, about freedom of choice, or about reproductive rights or what have you, but it's actually a question about human life," Scheidler tells American Family News. "Abortion takes a human life. It's unborn children whose lives are really at stake in abortion."
In Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization, Mississippi is defending a 2018 state law that would ban abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy, well before viability, and is asking the court to overturn the decision that has sanctioned the destruction of well over 62 million preborn babies in America.
"We are joining them in that call. We're asking the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade," Scheidler continues. "That would return this issue to the people of the states, where abortion policy would be set through the democratic process, not through the dictate of a panel of judges, which is how abortion came to be legalized in our country."
The court's decision will be announced next year.