![]() "… We're not obeying this [mandate], even if some judge thinks it's legal. No matter what happens here, we're not forcing employees to take an experimental jab into their arm that could have all kinds of adverse reaction. We're just not doing that under any circumstances." "We're not forcing employees to inject this substance into their bodies, we're not forcing employees to wear masks, and we're not doing regular testing. We're just not doing anything that Biden is telling us to do regarding these illegal orders – and we encourage companies all across the country to defy the Biden administration and do not obey this illegitimate, illegal order." Walker Wildmon, vice president of operations |
A three-judge panel of the 5th U.S. Circuit of Appeal on Saturday granted a temporary stay of the Biden business vaccine mandate. The 5th Circuit’s ruling states: “Because the petitions give cause to believe there are grave statutory and constitutional issues with the Mandate, the Mandate is hereby STAYED pending further action by this court.”
According to the court’s ruling, the stay applies only to those groups and organizations that filed petitions with the 5th Circuit - one of which is the Mississippi-based American Family Association. First Liberty Institute filed the lawsuit against the mandate Friday on behalf of AFA and Daystar Television Network.
Abraham Hamilton III is General Counsel for AFA, a faith-based, pro-family ministry. He contends the federal government has no authority whatsoever to compel AFA to intrude upon its employees' personal health decisions and violate their sacred rights of conscience.

"We believe the Bible is the inspired, infallible and authoritative Word of God. It teaches us that the right of conscience is sacred and must remain inviolate," the attorney added. "Any mandate that forces us to compel our employees, our AFA family, to be vaccinated against their wills is one that would require us to violate our family's sacred right of conscience. That is something we cannot and will not do."
Another group that had filed with the 5th Circuit was the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Robert Henneke is general counsel for TPPF.
“The quick turnaround by the Fifth Circuit to stay the mandate signifies the deep and obvious constitutional problems with the federal government’s private employer vaccine mandate,” says Henneke. “That should send a message to the White House that the mandate is not only ill-conceived but unconstitutional.”
The ministry Answers in Genesis is also among the petitioners affected by today’s ruling.
The Biden administration's "vaccine" mandate targets businesses with 100 or more employees.
Related video from American Family Association
Editor's Note: The American Family Association is the parent organization of the American Family News Network, which operates AFN.net.
11/8/2021 - Updated to explain the lawsuit was filed by First Liberty Institute on behalf of AFA and Daystar Television Network. Sidebar and video added as well.