Appearing on EpochTV's "Crossroads" program, Dr. Carol Swain recently said CRT forces white people to confess to being racist, whether they are or not, because of their race. But she says many do not realize this is an unconstitutional violation of the Civil Rights Act. John Whitehead of The Rutherford Institute agrees.
"Let's teach our kids the Civil Rights Act," Whitehead insists. "The Fourth Amendment says we all have equal protection under the law, that we can't be discriminated against. And that way, I think, we could produce a race of people who would be superior in this country in terms of the way they think and act."
According to Swain, if a school tries to restrict speech and behavior, then they may also be in violation of the First Amendment – actions that Whitehead says are bound to be challenged in court.

"There's going to be some court cases over this," he tells One News Now. "I think that as long as it's getting very oppressive and dividing people and forcing people to believe a certain way in a school on free speech issues, you're definitely violating people's rights, and I think we're going to see some cases."
Swain advises students to document discrimination and use that evidence when the time is right.