Millions in Middle East donations went unreported at Yale

Millions in Middle East donations went unreported at Yale

Millions in Middle East donations went unreported at Yale

A watchdog group is reporting an Ivy League school has failed to report millions of dollars in foreign money from a country that supports terrorists.

According to the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy, Yale University broke federal disclosure laws after reporting only a $284,000 grant from nearly $16 million it received from Qatari entities dating back to 2012.

Dr. Naya Lekht, a researcher for the Institute, tells AFN it is true Yale is not required to report all of its foreign funding

“But this is a big, big chunk of money from not just any foreign entity, this is from Qatar,” she says. “And we know Qatar has been financing terrorism worldwide."

Qatar, a tiny Middle Eastern nation of 3 million, borders Saudi Arabia to the east where it stretches into the Persian Gulf. The wealthy country is considered a moderate Muslim country but is known for its ties to Iran and to Hamas.   

According to a related Washington Free Beacon story, Qatar has spread billions of dollars to U.S. universities including Yale, Harvard, and Stanford going back decades. That generosity allowed Qatar to influence those campuses, critics contend, citing anti-Israel protests that have taken over numerous campuses. 

Reacting to the Institute's report, a Yale spokesman told the Free Beacon it contains "factual errors and misleading statements."

The story by the Free Beacon, however, points out the U.S. Department of Education investigated Yale and its undisclosed foreign funds in 2020. The university underreported its foreign gifts and contracts by $375 million.