The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics tells its 38,000 members to "regularly and intentionally integrate more equity, justice, and culturally centered mathematics education" in every math lesson, The Daily Signal reports.
According to a May 20 position statement, the council argues that math education must respond to the "culture" of students represented in "multidimensional identities," including "race, ethnicity, religion, generation, gender, sexual orientation, education, class, occupation and socio-economic status, and disability."
David Randall, research director for the National Association of Scholars (NAS), argues that incorporating identity politics into math diminishes the science.

"Because any given identity politics group doesn't score as well on mathematics exams, we, therefore, should reduce the rigor of these exams," he poses.
He goes on to warn that a weakened emphasis on uncompromising, objective math could put the country in increasing danger.
"It would be extremely unfortunate not to have enough mathematicians and physicists and computer scientists and everybody else capable of doing advanced research on artificial intelligence, anti-missile defense – everything we need to protect our citizens," Randall submits.
The council did not respond to The Daily Signal's inquiry about how its interpretation of "culturally responsive math" could violate parental rights, exposing children to unwanted lessons about sexual orientation or so-called social justice at school.